Monday, July 30, 2012

Screen Leaks: My latest project

I have a project that I'm doing for YouTube. Am I going to give you much info? Heh heh, NO!!! But I will provide you with some screen leaks.

What's this all about? Stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"Super Mario War: Stomp Arena" creator: EON8ight interview!

Remember Super Mario War? That amazingly popular fangame that slowly died and faded into obscurity? Well, it's coming back, as Super Mario War: Stomp Arena, and I have an interview with the person who envisioned it! EON8ight!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

"Super Boy 4" review

      Ah, bootlegs. Badly programmed, unoriginal, and illegal. Wonderful, right? Right? Wrong.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Powerstars' Official Blog Opened!

Yup. This will have game reviews, fan game news, and updates on the stuff I do. Just starting the blog out here!