Friday, December 14, 2012

Top 10 Things That Killed Guitar Hero

     I really loved Guitar Hero. Who didn't? Soon as we got full band support, things were amazing. Then, as I've mentioned before on this very blog, it died. What killed it? No body knows for sure, but here are my guesses.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

"Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades" review

     Guitar Hero is dead. At the very least, it's on a hiatus. So, I decided randomly to review the 2nd DS installment. Why? I don't know!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Punk-o-Matic 2 Mini-Review / Join

I am a member of a site called I have been for over a year. I love the game itself, but also chatting and using the forums. Has it died?

Friday, October 12, 2012

"Music Racer" Review

     Music Racer: Because 10 bucks is too much to ask for Audiosurf!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Saturday, September 1, 2012

TbT: Hot Cha by Love Story In Blood Red

  Okay, I'm introducing a new segment(?) here on my blog called "Track by Track," where I review albums...track by track. It's called TbT for short. I'm starting with an EP released through the Creative Commons license. It is free to download. This EP is "Hot Cha" by Love Story In Blood Red. Love Story In Blood Red is a band that, from what I can tell by the music on this EP, plays Acoustic Rock, with flavors of Country occasionally. It's a nice style. So, without further ado, let's look at this album TRACK BY TRACK!!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

New Review!...on Exploding Rabbit.

I've started a little project on Exploding Rabbit. You may know about them, because they created Super Mario Brothers Crossover, and they're working on Super Retro Squad. Anyways, here's a link to the blog there...
...and a preview:

"Well, friends, I'm starting a little "project," if you will. I was browsing MFGG one day and looked at all the fan games. I enjoy reviewing, and, instead of flooding my own blog with reviews of Mario fan games, with the reviews section seeming like a site that focuses on Mario. I also haven't been using the blog feature of Exploding Rabbit much. So, this project focuses on me, in no particular time, order, or schduele, to review 1,000 Mario fan games. In these reviews, I will talk about what I think of the game's graphics, music, concept, physics, and, of course, gameplay. In the case of demos, I will say whether or not I think the game has potential to become a good full game. At the end, I will provide a download link and my opinion on whether or not you should play the game. Seems like enough rambling, so why don't we start the review?..."

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Need a name for Web Comic.

I'm making a web comic based off of the Pokemon series. It stars my fan trainer, but will feature many elements from the games, anime, and possibly card games and manga. If you think of a name for it, lemme know.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"Coinbox Hero" review

     Coinbox Hero is one of those games you have fun with, but get bored of after 30 minutes, then come back to a month or two later.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Screen Leaks: My latest project

I have a project that I'm doing for YouTube. Am I going to give you much info? Heh heh, NO!!! But I will provide you with some screen leaks.

What's this all about? Stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"Super Mario War: Stomp Arena" creator: EON8ight interview!

Remember Super Mario War? That amazingly popular fangame that slowly died and faded into obscurity? Well, it's coming back, as Super Mario War: Stomp Arena, and I have an interview with the person who envisioned it! EON8ight!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

"Super Boy 4" review

      Ah, bootlegs. Badly programmed, unoriginal, and illegal. Wonderful, right? Right? Wrong.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Powerstars' Official Blog Opened!

Yup. This will have game reviews, fan game news, and updates on the stuff I do. Just starting the blog out here!